Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hello friends!

I've been back for a week from my vacation. I was so relaxed there. My hair even grew! That tells you stress is a major part of my immune system shutting down. I could have saved many hospital visits and lab tests to prove that!

I stayed on plan while I was down there...... with the exception of one bloody mary and one rum and diet. I managed to come home losing 1 pound. That's never happened before. Our kitchen was stocked with powdered donuts, chips, Ho Hos, potato salad, mac & cheese, and french fries. It was such a temptation, but I was strong. LISA - I didn't let ya down!!

I went to the doctor. She has my starting weight at 233, not 223. So I'm changing my ticker. Anything for Dr. S!

My weight is now 184. Feels good.

Random Thoughts for the day:
-MF chocolate pudding
-need to shout out to the Miracles
-John Heisey is a loved man. He will be missed.
-thanks for the ride Randy
-missin Skype with my girls

Sunday, March 21, 2010

It's S-P-R-I-N-G!

Good Afternoon!
Happy Spring to everyone! Warmer days and nights are surely making our moods happier and our days brighter. We can take walks, talk with THE neighbors we haven't seen since the beginning of Winter, and roll down our car windows. Ah....

So, by now you know I spend time reading the discussion boards on This morning a lady on the board asked me how long I've been a MFer. I easily replied, "Since December 31, 2009," not thinking much about her question.

So why am I bringing this up?

Because now there is a thread about how wrong MF looks on the boards! It made
think about what I had written earlier this am. Ha! I really looked at it again....a MFer. How funny! MediFast dieters use the abbreviations MFer, MFing, MF food, MF....whatever... and it never occurs to us that it means anything nasty.

Grrrr....people.... Let me tell you a funny story ->

This is no lie - last week my friend and I were texting about MFing during church. Can you imagine if someone had read those texts?

(Sermon was over and she was asking me if I wanted to go to lunch...and I wrote that I was a MFer...Then I just had to explain.) It was all innocent.

I laughed all the way home.

Ok, enough about all that. I lost another pound! 188!

Random Thoughts for Today:
-March Madness
-tonight's Night of Worship
-HB Julie
-miss my Daddy

Love to all ~ nini

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I Hit Something, But It Didn't Hit Back!

Here are my first two Pandora charms! I will pick out my third one next week after I make up my mind. 10 lbs. = 1 charm!!! Whee!!

Each charm has meaning to me during my weight loss journey. To look at these first two I imagine you wonder why they were chosen. All will be revealed at the end......

What did I hit? a car? my knee? No, sillies, I hit the 180s on the scale!!!! I officially weighed in at 189. Can I get a WAHOO????? Yeah, baby. I'm ecstactic. That makes 34 lbs.!!
Have you ever heard of cinnamon pretzels? They are my new favorite meal because of how filling they are. One bag of those keeps me full all afternoon, unlike other meals. They are really good crunched up and layered between dollops of MF pudding. Mmmm... good.

Random Tuesday Thoughts:
-roll up the rim tea
-kicked up coral lips
-goodbye drip ('09), hello percolator('78)
-Dwell magazine

Peace~ Nini

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Swimsuit and a Pandora Bracelet!

Hi friends and family! Today was especially exciting for me! Lynzi and I took off on a search for a new swimsuit for moi. The one I have is very stretched out. I could use a new one for a "-32# new me!" I bought.....a brown tankini with large orange and yellow polka dots all over it! lookin hot for this 54 year old....just sayin'....

The signatures the Medifast Discussion Board members put on their posts encourage each other to do something to pamper yourself when a goal is reached. A weight loss goal, inches goal, exercise goal, eating all your vegetables goal...... I've been thinking of doing something nice for myself every time I lose 10 lbs. I'd love a trip to the spa - but then it would be over and done with. New clothes? I'm not at goal, so I'd won't be wearing them very long and I'm just too practical for that! So I have been trying to narrow down the things that I love and would last a long time. JEWELRY? MUSIC? PERFUME? Well, I narrowed it down to a Pandora bracelet. I bought the bracelet today for my first 10 lbs. and will pick out 2 more charms for my 20 other lbs.!! I just want to put thought into what they will mean. They will be about the hard work that month (Feb and March.) When I reach goal, I will have a beautiful bracelet that will remind me I am someone worth fighting for.

Random Thoughts for tonight:
-I went to Jared!
-dollar iced teas
-Gaither Homecoming sings it
-good movie Up in the Air
-bad movie The Informant
-April 24 with Sarah at Eekas

Peace, love, flowers,
flowers, flowers,

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Sunny Sunday

How wonderful it is that the sun is shining and the sun makes it feel warmer outside. The winds are cool, but that's okay. The temp is 43*, but the wind chill is 57* according to our local meteorologist. NICE. I'm going to take the dog for a long walk. It will be nice not to have to dodge the icy and snowy sidewalks or walk in the street.

Last night I went to bed thinking I wouldn't have a loss, but Yay! another 2 lbs dropped off overnight. That makes exactly 30 lbs. in 9 weeks!! WOWZERS.

Kate and I cleaned out my closet yesterday. 1/2 of my closet - gone!!
Pants too large, shirts too ugly, shoes too old. Bagged up and outta here! Feels great to be organized. I even went through my jewelry. My granddaughters have new necklaces to play with.

I have upped my water intake from 64 oz. to 96 oz. I feel better when I drink more. I have been having hot tea at school, also. My classroom is freezing cold. I let my students wear their heavy coats during the day. (They are trying to cut down on the heating bill???) The only downfall - my # of trips down the hall! My class is like "Why are we taking another restroom break??" Gotta go when I gotta go!!

Tonight's L&G: 6oz. chicken tenders, marinated in Newman's Lightly Toasted Sesame Ginger Dressing with 1 1/2 c. roasted green beans. I do this all on the GF grill. So easy and quick.

Random Thoughts for today:
-Caf Pow!
-Torani SF Raspberry syrup
-I miss clementines
-Sunny day...sweepin' the clouds away, on my way to where the air is sweet...
-Ellen is not my favorite judge pick. She's not workin' for me.

Love and kisses,

Friday, March 5, 2010

My Health coach, Lisa, called me this afternoon. I get to meet her in April! She will be in Columbus visiting her daughter. I am hoping to bring a few friends along to introduce them to TSFL and its wonderful health plan.

Mary DiPalma, from the Medifast Discussion Boards, is very inspiring. (I think she's lost over 340 lbs.) Every day she sends a Motivational Quote of the Day. I like this one:

"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?"
--Vincent Van Gogh

I love this quote because we all should be patting ourselves on the back for choosing to work at eating healthy, losing weight, becoming healthier, and improving our quality of life. Think about where you would be today if you did not have the courage to attempt the MF program and then think about how far you have come. You are all a success!!!! Continue your courageous attempt at succeeding at the MF plan and will continue to do so!!! Isn't that great?

Tonight's L&G - 5 oz. 95% sirloin ground, grilled on the George Foreman / 1 1/2 grilled green beans

Random Thoughts for tonight:
-be submissive when it's appropriate
-spinach mushroom frittata is my favorite L&G this week
-need a funky glass to drink my 64+ oz. of water-tastes better.
-19 days until Anna Maria Island
-lovin' Chelsea Lately

Peace out~

Saturday, February 27, 2010

7 Days Later? Really?

Well apparently I slacked on my blogging this week. Busy working on Master Teacher at school, trying new Lean & Greens, and losing 2 more lbs!! Yay! that is -28 now. As Mr. Buble sings...I'm Feelin' Good....

A friend that I teach with emailed me this Wednesday morning. It made my week!

"like sands through the HOURGLASS
so are the days of our lives"
who needs an HOURGLASS from days when you work with one right down your hall?!
Thanks, Brittany! I love my Mound girls. Lori told me my sweatshirt was too big. Is that possible? Hoodies are meant to be big. Tammy W. said I have little legs. Linda said she just might have to order some of "that oatmeal"! lol. Jenny said my jeans are too big. Short sentences, but powerful words.

Random Thoughts:
-Swiss Mocha in coffee
-first weekend in March MY annual clean out my closet retreat
-OPI nail color: putty / You Don't Know Jacques on my toes
-Anna Maria Island ~ 27 days

It's only 1:27. BBL!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Rebounding. Brownies. Chili. Lovin' Saturday!

A very special lady sent me brownies today. Thank you to my health coach Lisa!

TSFL clients have the opportunities to have a health coach free of charge. I'm a girl that doesn't share my life with many people. Oh, I have many friends. But I've been hurt too often, so I am cautious as to whom I open up with. So, for me to take advantage of a free coach is not my personality. It helps that I know her sister. My coach is my #1 motivator. Lisa - you are the best!

My 45 minutes of exercise today: Rebounding

I'm having Chili again tonight:
1 packet MF Chili
6 oz. ground turkey
1 1/2 c. canned tomatoes
chili powder, salt, garlic powder

Skyped my
granddaughters twice before 2:00 p.m. I love the Skype camera. I got a good picture of Sarah and Beth today. New wallpaper! And I managed to get Pete out of bed singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" with Anna.
Hey Anni - "YO!"


Friday, February 19, 2010

It's Friday Night!

Happy weekend everyone.

Ok, dear daughter Sarah. Here are the answers:

Acronym/Phrase Meaning

NSV-- Non Scale Victory
SW --Starting Weight
CW --Current Weight
GW --Goal Weight
Threedomville --Being in the 300’s weight range
Twoterville --Being in the 200’s weight range
Onderland --Being in the 100’s weight range
NS --Nutrition Support
LC --Laughing Cow Cheese
WF --Walden Farms
PB2 --Powdered Peanut Butter
MFD --Medifast Dash (to the bathroom)
BLT --Bites, Licks, & Tastes
WI --Weigh-In
COT --MF Cream of Tomato Soup
COC --MF Cream of Chicken Soup
COB --MF Cream of Broccoli Soup

Did you get any right??? I didn't. I had to look them up!

Worked late tonight. I'm having Chili for dinner tonight while watching the Olympics. I am brewing a pot of decaf and will add some SF Hazelnut syrup to my cup tonight for a treat. Ahhh...

Tonight's Random Thoughts:
- Kaleidoscope paper
- sock monkeys are cool
- row, row, your boat


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Forum Friends

I've met some new gals: the Miracles. When I joined the MF forums Anne was recruiting members to participate in a 6 week challenge. Stay on the diet (OP=on plan) 100%, drink at least 64% water daily, exercise at least 45 min daily, and weigh in every Sunday. So I thought about it and decided to join. It is difficult to be accountable! The Miracles are inspiring and have a lot of great ideas. I'm just not sure they get my sarcasm.

When I started reading the threads on the forum I had to get used to the language! I'm quizzing you on some of them: (answers tomorrow)

Commonly Used Acronyms
By Medifast Message Board Posters and Bloggers

Acronym/Phrase Meaning

SW --
CW --
GW --
Threedomville --
Twoterville --
Onderland --
NS --
LC --
WF --
PB2 --
MFD --
BLT --
WI --
COT --
COC --
COB --

Peace ~